Standing Sun Wines, Inc

Standing Sun Wines focus on Rhone variety wines, handcrafted in small lots from some of Santa Ynez Valley's premiere vineyards. The fruit is sourced as vineyard specific varieties, each with its own characteristics and diversity. The resulting wines are pure, unmanipulated wines in the true sense of wine making... take a great vineyard, pick great fruit, and simply make great juice.
The fruit is sourced from the Santa Ynez valley, in Santa Barbara county. Each vineyard is chosen for its individuality, in respect to our desired variety of grape, and also its uniqueness of location and terroir. They have chosen some of the best vineyards in some of the best areas of Santa Ynez, including Tierra Alta vineyard on Ballard Canyon, Clover Creek vineyard on Refugio Rd, Colson Canyon vineyard near Tepesquet and Camp four vineyard on Baseline Avenue.
When the sun goes down, Standing Sun becomes a concert venue, playing host to many popular traveling bands from across the country. Great Wine, live music, and great food. What more could you ask for?
Contact Information
92 Second St Unit E, D, C
Buellton, CA 93427
Phone: (805)904-8072
Email Standing Sun Wines, Inc
Visit the Website